Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Reasons I don't do Feedly or read blogs. . . .

Reasons I don't do Feedly or read blogs. . . .Twitter and Podcasts
You see, I am a person with minimal free time. I am a wife, parent, grandparent, teacher of two grade levels at the same time, housekeeper, cook, laundry queen, traveller, glamper, book reader, and movie watcher. The last thing I want to do is bury myself in long winded narratives with minimally useful-to-me information. So, I like the condensed versions- the blurb on the back versions. The listen while doing something else version. And that is Twitter and Podcasts. I can grab quick tips and tricks, I can see that next greatest tool, and I can find ideas I can use tomorrow in class all In approximately 200 characters or less. Or better yet, an image. I can then click on a link which will take me to the blog post or show notes where I can learn more about it, contact the poster, or take it and use it. All in a matter of a few minutes-Okay, maybe longer (It's a bit like Pinterest). I listed a few of my favorite posters whom I faithfully follow in my last post so here is my list of must-listen podcasts and why it's a daily do for me:

Blog? Really?

So, what's my hesitation to write blog posts? Do I really think I have nothing to say?
My friends and family would have a good laugh at that! Not being a person of few words,
why do I feel inadequate to share my thoughts and ideas?
It's simple, really...Everything I would share came from someone else.
I essentially have no original ideas. Like any teacher worth their stuff, I know there are
far more gifted and talented educators from whom I can buy (or steal). My sense of
transparency and integrity prevents me from any attempt to take credit where none is due.
So, in order to appease my morality, here are a few words of wisdom I've accrued
and the educators I've learned them from. In no order of importance, by the way.
George Couros-Innovator's Mindset
Holly Clark-Disrupt Education, Google Infused Classroom
First presenter to introduce me to Twitter
Alice Keeler-Be yourself; It's okay to rub against the grain
First Twitter followee to DM me-Yep, she's real!
Matt Miller-Google Teacher Tribe, Ditch That Textbook
Kasey Bell-Google Teacher Tribe, Shake Up Learning
Jake Miller-Animated Gif (Yep, Hard G) Tech Tips
John Spencer-Creative Classroom, Project Based Learning
Tara Martin-Book Snaps
Lissa Highfill-Hyperdocs

Reasons I don't do Feedly or read blogs. . . .

Reasons I don't do Feedly or read blogs. . . .Twitter and Podcasts You see, I am a person with minimal free time. I am a wife, parent...