Monday, December 3, 2018

ESD Reads and Southwood Literacy Videos

Southwood Elementary is in the process of making videos featuring teachers and students as a part of our literacy community education and ESD Reads contribution.  We are excited to share our videos! In an attempt to centralize our video library, I set up a Southwood YouTube channel, which can be found here.

However, if you follow the link.....well, you won't find any videos! At least not yet anyway. It turns out that YouTube will not upload mp4 files. I didn't know this! After a little research, I have learned that I need to go back to Movie Maker and resave our videos as MPEG files. Sometimes we just jump in and learn as we go!

I've never actually set up a YouTube channel before. I'm excited to take on the new challenge. I had to ask my 12 year old son about a few specifics, but he was happy to help. So glad to have an expert in the house! I think we are now on the road to Southwood Elementary YouTube fame!

Please follow our journey and don't forget to subscribe!!  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Love the channel art! Can't wait to see the videos up there. Not uploading MP4s is new to me too. I would have exported as MP4 as that to me is a more common video type then MPEG. Thanks for learning and sharing for the rest of us! :)


Reasons I don't do Feedly or read blogs. . . .

Reasons I don't do Feedly or read blogs. . . .Twitter and Podcasts You see, I am a person with minimal free time. I am a wife, parent...